One of Jehovah's Loving Arrangement is the Circuit Overseer's Visit
One of our dear friends have been kind enough to share her notes with us: Enjoy!
Here are some points that I enjoyed.
Whatever situation we find ourselvesin ....Do we clearly understand what Jehovah's direction is for us. Dowe have a desire to follow it?
Do we allow the pressure to influenceour conduct?
Satan wants us to live a life of greed- We have to be chaste. Satan has created a world where people haveto be entertained all the time
We have the ability to know the consequencesof our actions. We have the ability to rationalize inappropriateconduct - Luke 11:35
Pioneer Meeting
Bumble Bee- wings are too small forit to fly scientists say. Cannot understand how they do it. Jehovahis the greatest scientist.
Jehovah can provide for us beyondcompare. World says work more ....Jehovah's organization says Workless - serve Jehovah more.
Ps. 25:4 says Make me know . Becauseit is not always natural for us to do things. David felt so closeto Jehovah......even as a boy he wanted to worship Jehovah. Whatlevel of emotion do we approach Jehovah. Strong tears & outcriesJehovah sees us - He will answer our prayers. He can even interpretthe groaning that are unutterable. We must have that relationshipwith Jehovah.
Meaningful regular prayer to Jehovah. Every meeting tells us to pray everyday. Read every day. Thisis the systematic way that we should live. Develop a real love forthe people. We have to have that affection for people. Jehovahreally loves people. Jehovah told us that we must feel the same wayhe does.
Roman Sword - wielding God's wordlike a sword. Soldiers form what they call a tortuga (rectangle). Each soldier covers for the other. Sword is 20 inches longs. They were able to kill an enemy with one strike. Like the Biblewe use it with the right circumstances. Like quick strikes - becomeeffective in the ministry using Jehovah's sword.
Friday, December 10, 2010
*** be p. 13 “Pay Attention to How You Listen” ***
“Pay Attention to How You Listen”
LISTENING is an important factor in learning. It can also influence a person’s prospects for survival. When Jehovah was preparing to deliver his people from bondage in Egypt, he gave instructions to Moses, who told the older men of Israel what they must do in order to save their firstborn from the angel of death. (Ex. 12:21-23) The older men then conveyed this information to each household. This was done orally. The people had to listen carefully. How did they respond? The Bible reports: “All the sons of Israel did just as Jehovah had commanded Moses and Aaron. They did just so.” (Ex. 12:28, 50, 51) As a result, Israel experienced an awe-inspiring deliverance.
Today, Jehovah is preparing us for an even greater deliverance. Surely, the instruction he provides merits our earnest attention. Such instruction is given at the congregation meetings.
Are you benefiting fully from such gatherings? Much depends on how you listen.
Do you retain highlights of the instruction given at the meetings? Is it your habit, week by week, to seek ways to apply in your own life the instruction given or to share it with others?
1. There is a process in doing things, moses and aaron, older man, head of the
Similarly, today- governing body, elders and congregation meetings ( Ex 12:28)
2. Congregation Meetings is where Jah gives instrucitions.(Heb 10:24, Rev 3:6)
3. Prepare our hearts by listening and be determined to do just so (Proverbs 21:2)
4. Instructions merits careful attention and be conveyed as accurately as possible
(Proverbs 27:11)
5. Form the right weekly habit in absorbing INSTRUCTIONS
“Pay Attention to How You Listen”
LISTENING is an important factor in learning. It can also influence a person’s prospects for survival. When Jehovah was preparing to deliver his people from bondage in Egypt, he gave instructions to Moses, who told the older men of Israel what they must do in order to save their firstborn from the angel of death. (Ex. 12:21-23) The older men then conveyed this information to each household. This was done orally. The people had to listen carefully. How did they respond? The Bible reports: “All the sons of Israel did just as Jehovah had commanded Moses and Aaron. They did just so.” (Ex. 12:28, 50, 51) As a result, Israel experienced an awe-inspiring deliverance.
Today, Jehovah is preparing us for an even greater deliverance. Surely, the instruction he provides merits our earnest attention. Such instruction is given at the congregation meetings.
Are you benefiting fully from such gatherings? Much depends on how you listen.
Do you retain highlights of the instruction given at the meetings? Is it your habit, week by week, to seek ways to apply in your own life the instruction given or to share it with others?
1. There is a process in doing things, moses and aaron, older man, head of the
Similarly, today- governing body, elders and congregation meetings ( Ex 12:28)
2. Congregation Meetings is where Jah gives instrucitions.(Heb 10:24, Rev 3:6)
3. Prepare our hearts by listening and be determined to do just so (Proverbs 21:2)
4. Instructions merits careful attention and be conveyed as accurately as possible
(Proverbs 27:11)
5. Form the right weekly habit in absorbing INSTRUCTIONS
Friday, February 19, 2010

Hey! Well the talk was awesome! I felt like Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus. Bro Splane gave the talk. It started at 7pm and ended around 9pm, we could have sat all night listenting to him. IT was just what we all needed. There was no theme he was just having a conversation with all of us on the need to rely on Jehovah and trust that he is the great comforter. He said ... there is a time to cry, a time to heal and a time to trust in Jehovah as the one who can heal a broken heart.
The talk focused on how Jesus gave the promise to resurrect in John 5 vs 28 & 29 before he had ever resurrected anyone. Yet the first resurrection was the widow of Nains son. Jesus felt for this woman because he knew she had walked this path before when here husband died, now she was doing it again with her only son, he no doubt thought of the grief his mother would soon have. He was tired, walked all day, hungry and had never resurrected anyone before yet he felt pity. He had seen suffering for 4000 years yet he never grew hard hearted or insensitive so neither should we. He told the woman to stop weeping because he wanted her to focus on what he was about to do, wake up her son. For years to come she could replay over and over and over the moment when Jesus said .... young man get up. He didnt want the widow to be crying at that moment, so too for us we have to be clear of mind for what is about to happen when our loved ones hear Jesus voice and wake up. Later he resurrected Jairus daughter this too was a wonderful miracle. On the way to Jairus house the woman with flow of blood stopped him by touching him, and he asked who touched me. Jairus could have thought ... who cares my daughter is dying, hurry. Jesus stopped and healed the woman, he took time to show he cared. this miracle unknowingly strengthened Jairus, for when it came time to resurrect his daughter he knew Jesus had the power, for he had just seen him heal a woman. So the second resurrection is proof once again of what Jesus will do very soon. Yet Jesus did cry and he wants us to know it is okay to cry.
He then said ... the GB wants me to go to Haiti to cry with the brothers and let them know how much we love them. They will have their first CA this weekend and so we are looking forward to touching the hearts of about one third of the witnesses there this weekend. The circuit assigned is the circuit that was affected the most.
Donna, I just felt Jehovahs love last night in such a unique special way that it was so wonderful.
Last night they interviewed friends from the earthquake on the platform before the talk. Next email I will share their experiences, whew they were really moving. But brother Splane cried during his talk with us. It was an emotional night and upbuilding at the same time. We all left there feeling like we could do more. It helped to know that what I was feeling was normal, I felt like I was lacking in my faith and was not strong enough to deal with what we were dealing with at the hospital.
He said .... your faith here and in Haiti has touched the worldwide brotherhood, your faith has inspired all of us. Do not think you are not loved, nor should you think that what you have done has gone unnoticed, we have noticed and we want to in some way show how grateful we are for you love for your Haitian brothers. What has happened is only a milimeter in time on the scale of eternity, soon these pains will not be remembered.
WE GOT TO SING FOR THE FIRST TIME the new songs, not in creole but we sang the new songs. Oh, Donna, that felt so nice!
Thursday, January 21, 2010

(Proverbs 25:25) . . .As cold water upon a tired soul, so is a good report from a distant land. . .
(Romans 1:12) . . .or, rather, that there may be an interchange of encouragement among YOU, by each one through the other’s faith, both YOURS and mine. . .
I recently attended the school for elders in Patterson, New York, USA.
What a wonderful provision from Jehovah in preparation for the end of this old world.
While there I visited with Brother Phillip Brumley, overseer of the legal dept. at Patterson, New York. He shared with us some exciting things in progress in countries that the branch chooses not to publish at this time for fear of hindering the advancement or the good news in those areas. I thought you might enjoy some of what we learned. I questioned Bro. Brumley if the information was to be confidential? He replied, "not at all, let your congregation know what Jehovah is doing".
We learned there is continual work still being conducted in Russia, and that his office had just received the report of two legal victories in the court system and with Jehovah’s help we are looking forward to more.
In the country of Egypt, the legal department has for years been working to ease the restrictions against Jehovah’s Witnesses and our ministry there. The majority of Egyptians are Muslim although there are a number of "Coptic Christians" in the country. Representatives of the Patterson legal dept. recently visited with legal representatives in Egypt. We were shown photos of their visit. One photo was of the brothers as they were meeting with Mr. Boutros-Boutros Ghali the one time secretary general of the United Nations. He is now a political influence in Egypt. He is also a "Coptic Christian". As a result of the meeting we are now allowed to witness to "Coptic Christians". Witnessing to Muslims is still considered illegal. Before the meeting we were only allowed to meet in groups of five, but now we can meet in groups of thirty, which means that now we can meet as congregations. We enjoyed photos of the legal brothers with two of the congregations. Jehovah's Witnesses are not yet recognized as a religion in Egypt, but Jehovah and the legal dept. are continually working to change that.
Reports from China are very exciting. We learned that in China, mostly along the Korean border, we now have Kingdom Halls, circuits with full-time circuit overseers, are allowed to preach from house to house, and have assemblies. Brother Brumley said that it may sound strange, but in that area of China, you are not considered educated until you have read the Bible.
What is even more exciting is that the Bible translation the Chinese use has Jehovah’s name all the way through it. This makes the witnessing work so much easier. The legal department said that "the work there is going gang-busters". We used to wonder how those in China would ever hear the good news. With Jehovah, everything is possible.
In closing, I would like to pass on a recent experience from the legal dept. It's regarding an Iranian sister living on the island of Cypress. In Iran they permit what they call "mercy killings". If someone renounces their faith and takes up another form of worship, their family may put that person to death and will not be held accountable by the Iranian authorities.
This sister embraced the truth two years ago. Her husband, an Iranian dedicated to Islamic teachings, strongly and cruelly opposed her decision to serve Jehovah. After continued efforts to break her integrity, he informed her that he had made arrangements to send her back to Iran to be murdered by his family. Our sister reported this to her congregation elders. The cypress elders immediately contacted the legal dept. at Patterson for help. The legal dept. received the call on a Friday morning. The sister was scheduled to leave the next Tuesday, four days away, to fly to Iran and face certain death.
The legal dept. immediately contacted the governing body in Brooklyn and they authorized the dept. to do what ever was necessary to save this sisters life. The legal dept. put everything into action. Patterson legal called the legal dept. in Greece, then the legal dept. in Germany, then the legal dept. in Switzerland, and also the legal dept. in Belgium, informing them that in four days our sister was scheduled to die. Our brothers in these four countries put together their legal expertise to work as a legal team.
With prayer to Jehovah for help, they put together a quick injunction through the European Court of Human Rights and put a temporary halt to the husband's efforts to send our sister back to Iran. The Cypress authorities held our sister in confinement for almost six months before addressing her appeal. The result is that the court ruled in her favor and released her from the authority of her husband. During the sisters six months of incarceration, she was able to witness to over two hundred persons! What other organization in a matter of just a few hours, could enlist the attention and help of the top lawyers from five different countries to come to the aid of just one person on an island in the Mediterranean Sea? How comforting it is to see how Jehovah protects Jesus' sheep.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Meeting Patient Needs and Rights
Narrator: Each year in this new millennium, pressures on health-care systems mount. The growing number of patients, particularly the elderly, challenges health-care providers’ ability to meet patient needs with available resources. At the same time, legal and ethical voices increasingly advocate that patients be permitted a greater role in choosing their treatment. These developments especially affect one major sector of health care.
Prof. Neil Blumberg: There’s a growing concern on the part of physicians that our approach to blood transfusion needs to be reevaluated.
Prof. Roland Hetzer: Today at least 80 percent of the patients would strongly favor not to have blood transfusions.
Narrator: News headlines show this, both physicians and patients are faced with transfusion complications, supply shortages, and concerns about blood product safety. As just one example, the world health organization calculates that around the globe unsafe transfusion and injection practices cause some 5,000,000 Hepatitis-C virus infections each year. Increased efforts by national health-care systems to achieve a safer blood supply have caused the cost of blood to spiral upward.
Dr. Guy Turner: Two years ago it cost us about 63 euros per unit of transfused blood. It now costs us 142.
Narrator: Treating transfusion-related side effects has incurred additional costs.
Dr. Aryeh Shander: These costs, which are indirect and delayed, are enormous and clearly would raise the cost of the unit of blood substantially.
Narrator: The same holds true for compensation totaling billions of euros or dollars that have been paid to recipients of tainted blood and to their surviving families. As society faces these issues—transfusion risks and costs—is there a better approach? Might transfusion-alternative health care meet patient needs and rights? Professors Earnshaw and Hetzer and countless other clinicians have responded to the requests of patients and of parents of minors. Consider three examples of complex surgeries performed without transfusion. Open-heart surgery is consistently a major challenge. In Berlin, Professor Roland Hetzer explains why he had to operate on the tiny heart of a ten-month-old baby girl.
Prof. Roland Hetzer: This child has a congenital heart defect, which is relatively rare. It means there is a direct communication between the left ventricle and the right atrium, which creates a continuous abnormal flow between the left heart and the right heart.
Narrator: The defect was corrected with a heart arrest time of only 26 minutes, and the blood flow normalized. No transfusion was given—in fact, there was virtually no blood loss. Another example: Liver surgery usually involves considerable donor transfusion. In Jena, Germany, at the University Clinic, Professor Johannes Scheele here removes the cancerous portion of the liver from an elderly man.
Prof. Johannes Scheele: How much was the blood loss today? ...250 CCs.
Narrator: No donor blood was given, and 18 hours later, the patient is chatting with the doctor in the ICU. Now an example of orthopedic surgery: In London, Royal College fellow Peter Earnshaw successfully performs a total knee replacement on an elderly woman, typically a high-blood-loss operation. All three successful operations were accomplished by surgical teams committed to respecting the patient’s or parent’s preference that donor blood not be given. Were these experimental operations by three pioneering surgeons? There are more than 100,000 physicians and surgeons in 150 countries who routinely treat patients without donor transfusion. Some experts feel…
Dr. Linda Stehling: Every anesthesiologist and surgeon should be interested in blood-conservation strategies because it’s good patient care.
Narrator: When physicians who turn to transfusion-alternative health care are asked why, they often cite as a major reason—respect for their patient’s decision. Professor Blumberg, director of a transfusion medicine unit and blood bank:
Prof. Neil Blumberg: Well, I think there are a growing number of patients who are interested in being treated with either no transfusion or the minimum amount of transfusion possible, and there are some folks who strictly don’t want to be transfused under any circumstances.
Narrator: Another area motivating physicians and surgeons to change their approach is the growing evidence of inconsistent practices leading to unnecessary transfusions. Everyone concerned with improving health care or protecting the individual patient should consider some revealing studies on blood use. First, the Sanguis Study. As part of a concerted action by the European Commission Medical Research Program, transfusion rates in 43 major teaching hospitals across Europe were analyzed. The ramifications of the Sanguis Study are staggering—for the same type of operation, there were enormous variations in the number of units transfused, depending on the hospital! In 1998 in Brussels, Professor Baele published a follow-up study.
Prof. Philippe Baele: All types of hospitals were included in the Belgium Biomed Transfusion Study for Surgery. And we found exactly the same range of variability.
Prof. Lawrence T. Goodnough: So we are left with the conclusion that variability implies that a lot of these blood transfusion components are being given unnecessarily.
Narrator: A comparison of the two studies revealed another significant fact.
Prof. Philippe Baele: There were two centers which participated both in the Sanguis Study and in the Biomed Study.
Narrator: Based on their findings in the Sanguis Study:
Prof. Philippe Baele: They had somehow managed to reduce their blood consumption for major surgery. The mortality was the same before and after the changes. The hospital stay was shorter. The new procedures they adopted weren’t very difficult to adopt, although they took time and took a considerable educational effort, but they didn’t result in increased costs.
Narrator: Soon after, in Canada, Dr. Hebert did a large-scale study of critically ill patients in intensive care. Professor Spahn evaluates the results.
Prof. Donat R. Spahn: I talk about the Hebert paper, where they showed in more than 800 patients that less transfusion results in an improved outcome.
Narrator: The obvious conclusion is that unnecessary transfusion translates into unnecessary labor and unnecessary cost. Besides patient demand and overtransfusion, many physicians cite as motivation to implement transfusion-alternative health care the desire to avoid medical risks.
Prof. Lawrence T. Goodnough: There’s the risk of bacterial contamination in a stored unit of blood.
Narrator: Bacterial contamination, whether occurring at donation or subsequently from improper storage, can cause infections having fatal consequences. In another arena, despite improved testing viral infections continue to pose a serious threat. Experts are concerned about what the future holds.
Dr. Howard L. Zauder: Will existing viruses mutate and produce disease? There’s no reason to believe that they won’t.
Prof. Peter H. Earnshaw: The problem with contamination of transfusions, it always seems to be one step ahead of us.
Prof. Donat R. Spahn: In addition, blood transfusions induce a immunosuppressive state with the recipient, and that results in increased postoperative infections as well as earlier and more often recurrence of tumors.
Prof. Neil Blumberg: We’ve estimated that, approximately, in the United States, we can expect that 10,000 to 50,000 patients a year may be dying from transfusion-immunomodulation related causes.
Narrator: Likely the most surprising and least recognized medical risk is human error—giving blood of an incompatible type can cause a reaction ranging from mild to fatal. Professor Spence, a director of surgical education, acknowledges:
Prof. Richard K. Spence: We can mix the blood up and cause catastrophe. Patients have died and do die from getting the wrong blood.
Narrator: In fact, reports indicate that human error causes up to one half of all transfusion-triggered deaths! In the light of such realities—patient decision, unnecessary transfusions, medical risks, as well as shrinking blood inventories and soaring blood costs—Professor van der Linden summarizes what many experts have concluded:
Prof. Philippe van der Linden: In view of the potential for a better patient-care and a reduced health-care cost, blood conservation is not an option, it’s a must.
Narrator: The good news is that safe, practical, and cost-effective therapies already exist.
Dr. Aryeh Shander: The best medical care can be delivered without the use of allogeneic blood.
Prof. Peter H. Earnshaw: There are some very simple, very cheap things you can do, which would help the majority of people, and this could be done in the smallest of hospitals.
Prof. Johannes Scheele: Blood conservation is a very simple method, which make things rather smooth, less expensive, and with a better outlook for the patient.
Narrator: The transfusion-alternative techniques used by these surgical teams can be grouped within one of three basic principles, or pillars. The first is “tolerance of anemia.” Racing through the arteries, red cells carry life-sustaining oxygen to all parts of the body. The anemic patient has a low number of red cells in relation to his blood volume. If a person suffers extensive blood loss during surgery or as the result of an accident, the body can tolerate anemia to a considerable degree. Professor Moore, an acknowledged pioneer in trauma surgery:
Prof. Ernest E. Moore: Studies have shown, physiologically, that the human being can tolerate much lower hemoglobin levels than previously assumed safe.
Dr. Aryeh Shander: The medical community is starting to realize that tolerance of a significant anemia is doable for patients.
Narrator: However, anemia is tolerable only when the body has sufficient circulatory volume to continue to function.
Prof. Richard K. Spence: We also know that with that anemia, we can compensate with volume, because volume is the critical component here to maintaining blood pressure.
Narrator: With low-cost blood volume expanders being available, current medical opinion increasingly abandons the arbitrary rule, proposed back in 1942, that a hemoglobin level of 10 was the transfusion trigger, or the lowest acceptable figure before administering a transfusion. Thus, Professor Earnshaw notes his first step in implementing a transfusion-alternative program:
Prof. Peter H. Earnshaw: I halved our transfusion rate by simply saying, ‘could we lower our triggers from 10 to 8?’ And just taking a little more control over the decision. That was very easy. That cost nothing.
Narrator: Simply implementing the first pillar would cut out millions of transfusions and save billions of euros or dollars annually! The second important principle in transfusion-alternative strategies involves stimulating red-cell production in the patient’s body. This is important for an anemic patient before surgery, and it can speed recovery after extensive blood loss. Studies directed by Professor of Obstetrics Albert Huch have shown:
Prof. Albert Huch speaking German: Sufficient iron supplementation can already normalize the blood count to a large extent and at relatively little expense.
Narrator: In selected cases, the genetically engineered drug erythropoietin, commonly called epo, can be used. Professor Mercuriali, a director of transfusion services, explains:
Prof. Francesco Mercuriali: Stimulated by the administration of erythropoietin, there is an acceleration of production of new red blood cells.
Narrator: The third principle, or pillar, is to minimize blood loss.
Prof. Johannes Scheele: The most important technique to control bleeding is to avoid bleeding.
Narrator: Meticulous surgery is practical and cost-effective. A variety of tools can be used to assist. For example, electrocautery devices enable surgeons to cut rapidly and to seal blood vessels immediately. There are also modern drugs that can reduce bleeding. Some are applied directly to the bleeding area. Here a fibrin glue pad is used to stop blood from oozing out of a dissected liver. Professor Baron notes about the cost-effectiveness of such agents:
Prof. Jean-François Baron: The decrease in the intraoperative bleeding and the decrease in the use of blood products compensates for the cost of the drug.
Narrator: Another effective technique to minimize loss in instances of heavy bleeding is to salvage the patient’s own blood. Recovery of as much as 50 percent of the blood otherwise lost has become a reality. This technique also meets the ethical needs of many who absolutely refuse donor transfusions. For instance, some of Jehovah’s Witnesses have allowed cell salvage to be used. There are even such machines designed for small children.
Prof. Donat R. Spahn: Cell salvage is a very important technique because when you use cell salvage, the blood lost by the surgeon is not lost for the patient.
Narrator: Many other beneficial strategies are available. All assist in avoiding the risks and societal costs of millions of transfusions. To illustrate the impact of properly combined techniques, consider the task faced by the medical team of four-year-old Luana in Modena, Italy. She was born with a serious heart defect. Her team, headed by Professor Marcelletti, chief of cardiovascular surgery, had to perform a series of complex operations. As requested by Luana’s parents, the first operation was successfully done without donor blood. Once again, for the second procedure, there were both skilled personnel and the appropriate equipment, including a cell-salvage machine. The meticulous surgery, utilizing electrocautery, took two hours, and Luana lost only 100 milliliters of blood! Her parents were delighted, and the medical team was pleased with the outcome.
Prof. Carlo F. Marcelletti: We have performed the operation without the use of a blood transfusion, as we try to perform with all of our children.
Dr. Nicoletta Salviato: I think all these little babies deserve not to be transfused and not to take the risk of a blood transfusion.
Narrator: Further proof of the effectiveness of heart surgery without transfusion is provided by Dr. Rosengart:
Dr. Todd K. Rosengart: When we looked at a series of 50 Jehovah’s Witnesses patients and 100 patients in the general population, we found a shorter length of stay and a lower cost using our blood-conservation strategy.
Narrator: While many clinicians would hold that some situations absolutely require blood, what is the view of those experienced in the use of transfusion alternatives in life-threatening emergencies? First, an anesthesiologist’s perspective:
Dr. Aryeh Shander: The cessation of bleeding, whether surgically or by other means, must be the first principle. It’s important to act quickly, and to keep in mind that modalities are still available even in a trauma situation.
Narrator: Next, a surgeon’s perspective:
Prof. Johannes Scheele: In any trauma patient with a significant blood loss, I would always prepare the cell-saver system.
Narrator: In one of the busiest trauma centers in the United States, Professor Cohn, chief of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, notes about patients declining donor blood:
Prof. Stephen M. Cohn: We see more than 3,000 patients a year here that are Jehovah’s Witnesses, and we do about 250 to 275 major operations on them each year. And what we have seen in our population is no increased length of stay, no increased mortality. In fact, it appears to be somewhat decreased.
Narrator: On the basis of such experience, many physicians conclude that, overall, transfusion-alternative health care is cost-effective:
Prof. Richard K. Spence: One of the beauties of transfusion alternatives is that the most effective alternatives are generally the cheapest.
Prof. Stephen G. Pollard: There’s no doubt that blood is a costly product. We’ve been able to reduce our blood-transfusion bill for the liver-transplant program here by 70 percent since we started adopting new techniques. And that equates to hundreds of thousands of pounds in a year, and it’s far more than the cost of the drugs and the other therapies we use and the mechanical methods we use for reducing blood loss.
Prof. Philippe Baele: It takes more dedication than technical means. Similar results can be achieved without the use of costly machinery.
Narrator: And transfusion-alternative health care has a benefit beyond saving money and meeting patients’ physical needs. There is an ethical benefit. This care honors the patient’s freedom of choice to accept or reject a certain treatment.
Prof. Neil Blumberg: One of the primary principles of good medical care is being concerned about what the patient wants.
Narrator: Professor Harding, who teaches ethics to medical and law students:
Prof. Timothy W. Harding: Today one would link that ethical duty not to do harm, to seek the best possible outcome for one’s patient, with another duty, which is to respect the autonomy of the patient, to respect the patient’s own views and decisions.
Narrator: At Glasgow University, Professor of Law and Ethics in Medicine Sheila McLean summarizes:
Prof. Sheila A. M. McLean: Doctors have virtually an absolute obligation, both legally and ethically, to respect the patient’s choice.
Narrator: Concerning the advancing legal view generally designated “patient rights,” Professor Guillod, founder of the Health Law Institute at Neuchatel University:
Prof. Olivier Guillod: I believe the basic element of patients’ rights is the right of self-determination, that is, the right of any patient to decide what shall be done with his or her own body.
Prof. Sheila A. M. McLean: Patients have a right to be told that there are alternatives and, more than that there are alternatives, what are the respective risks and benefits expected to be associated with those.
Narrator: Concerning the evolution of patient rights, Professor Weissauer explains:
Prof. Walther Weissauer speaking German: Earlier, the doctor determined how to proceed and thereby shouldered the entire responsibility. In the course of time, the relationship has changed more and more into a partnership, doctor and patient meeting each other with full equal rights.
Narrator: Recognizing patient rights accords with the UN’s universal declaration of human rights. In fact, these legal issues have become so important that in 1997 the Council of Europe formulated the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine. Article 5 proclaims: “An intervention…may only be carried out after the person concerned has given free and informed consent to it.”
Prof. Olivier Guillod: The doctrine of informed choice says that it is up to the patient to accept or to refuse any kind of medical act, for instance, a blood transfusion.
Narrator: Addressing a sensitive issue, Article 6 states: “The opinion of the minor shall be taken into consideration as an increasingly determining factor in proportion to his or her age and degree of maturity.”
Prof. Timothy W. Harding: There’s no doubt that minors, in a legal sense, can and very often are able as adolescents to take decisions about their own treatment and their own health.
Narrator: How does freedom of choice for patients and parents work out in practical terms?
Prof. Olivier Guillod: Well, if the physician cannot think of finding a way of accommodating a patient’s desire about alternatives to blood transfusion, he should try to refer the patient to one of his colleagues or to another institution or health-care facility where this alternative is really practiced.
Narrator: But what about emergencies where the victim may not be able to speak, to convey personal conviction?
Prof. Timothy W. Harding: It’s now recognized that people have the right to indicate treatment choices in advance. And this takes the form of a written document where the patient shows that they have considered certain situations and they have taken a clear position about a treatment choice.
Prof. Walther Weissauer speaking German: In an emergency, one would always also search for an advance directive or a durable power of attorney, for instance, in the wallet of the patient.
Narrator: Respecting patient rights also has health-care benefits.
Prof. Sheila A. M. McLean: There is empirical evidence that patients who feel engaged in their treatment are likely to get better quicker.
Narrator: Consider, for example, a case at St. Richard’s Hospital in Chichester in southern England.
Dr. Vipul Patel: Mrs. Whittington had arthritis of her hip, which was so advanced that she required a total hip replacement. She is a Jehovah’s Witness and therefore declined to have a blood transfusion.
Mrs. Whittington: Well, I do believe that God’s word is against taking blood, and we should appreciate that God’s word is the truth. Mr. Patel was quite happy to do it without blood.
Dr. Guy Turner: It is the doctor’s responsibility to listen to patients’ demands, listen to what they have to say, and give them an informed choice of alternatives.
Narrator: In frank dialogue between physician and patient, the question of whether she would accept cell salvage arose:
Mrs. Whittington: When I knew more about the machine and it was explained to me, I said I would accept having the machine.
Jo Light: The relationship between the patients and the medical staff is excellent here. We have a very open culture and a good learning environment.
Narrator: What was the outcome of this cooperative approach?
Dr. Vipul Patel: The strategies that we used intraoperatively during Mrs. Whittington’s operation were meticulous hemostasis, salvage of blood using a cell-saver system, as well as using a cemented hip replacement. She tells me that she is delighted with the operation in terms of the pain relief.
Narrator: As earth’s population continues to grow and age, their medical needs will be a greater challenge to health-care structures, many of which are already struggling. In this regard, transfusion-alternative health care offers a promising direction.
Prof. Philippe van der Linden: A well-adopted blood-conservation program means a decrease in the total cost for the patient but also a decreased cost for society.
Narrator: While all medical interventions involve risks, transfusion-alternative health care uniquely meets both patient needs and rights.
Dr. Vipul Patel: I can foresee that in the future, patients will almost expect that any surgery which is necessary is carried out without blood transfusion.
Prof. Olivier Guillod: Patient empowerment is important, not only to better respect autonomy but to promote good medical treatment.
Prof. Roland Hetzer: The various steps to reduce the need of blood transfusion, nowadays, are very well established, well tested, and they are certainly safe.
Dr. Aryeh Shander: This is universal, can be practiced in any institution, in any part of the world.
Prof. Philippe van der Linden: Blood conservation is safe, effective, and progressive medicine.
Dr. Aryeh Shander: This is the best way of treating patients and clearly should be a standard of care.
Monday, January 18, 2010

(Psalm 4:3) So take knowledge that Jehovah will certainly distinguish his loyal one; Jehovah himself will hear when I call to him.
We are very fortunate that some of our friends in Haiti were able to send us first hand information how Jah's hands are with our brotherhood and how true what the Holy scriptures are saying in:
(Ecclesiastes 9:11) . . .I returned to see under the sun that the swift do not have the race, nor the mighty ones the battle, nor do the wise also have the food, nor do the understanding ones also have the riches, nor do even those having knowledge have the favor; because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all. . .
We are thankful to these friends who are encouraging us despite their calamities at present. We are thankful to Jehovah God through His Son Christ Jesus and the FDS that we can understand the meaning of all of these things.
Here are some of the stories:
18 January 2010
The following is what I wrote yesterday--forget am losing track of the
days. Just been informed that over a 100 of our brothers have died as a
result of the quake and no doubt it will rise as time goes by--today is
really the last day to get anyone out alive.
The branch prepared 700 bags providing basics for 2800 meals. Seriously
injured are being transported the a border town hospital--Jimini and
even now they are maxed out n are now transporting them to
Barahona--about 50 miles from the Haitian border. I know one person had
a broken back, another a broken hip, etc. Awful!
Email a few days back:
Firstly, thank you for your loving concern n prayers! We are about 75
at the branch right now n everyone is FINE--right now busy as bees
preparing food n clothing, etc for the many brothers that are homeless,
n injured n in a bad state!.
We have had reports of brothers slightly injured, seriously injured n
dead n missing in the heavily populated areas of PAP--PAP as you may
have seen on CNN is reduced to dust n ruins. Our immediate area n
Cr-de-Bouquet seems to have weathered it pretty good. Have had no
reports of death in our neighborhood--I haven't seen any houses in dust
on the ground--a few fences have fallen--but is about all on our
street. However, on the road to Cr-d-Bouquets--a new bldg that was 3
stories high is now zero stories high.
When the earthquake hit--I was in the laundry throwing in clothes in a
washer--when a deafening roar surrounded us--then the floor literally
heaved like waves n the washing machines swayed to the right n left--at
first the whole bldg swayed n with us grasping things to stand upright n
run--3 of us were there n I screamed for them to run out n stand in the
doorways--than when it stopped moving--which seemed forever--we ran out
on the grass in the courtyard--the sister standing next to me was
shaking like a leaf--I just hung to her for awhile till she stopped.
John was in the office--thrown to the floor spread eagle and couldn't
get up--crawled up to the doorway n managed to get up n hang on--as did
Robin n Daniel.
Some lighter moments too--Eveyln Thibodeau was watering plants n trees
down by the old Kitchen n our watch dog Wally started shaking all over n
become extremely agitated--she was trying to calm him down when it
hit--then all of sudden she saw frantic students streaming out from the
Terrifying is not adequate to described the fear--Paul Rozon ran outside
the kitchen area in time to see the entire structure sway to the right n
left. Amazingly--the following day--the bldg was inspected n there were
no cracks!! Hurray for Design/Bld who insisted on all that steel--PAP
is in total ruins--haven't been out but the reports are bad--on
Delmas--City Bank reduced to the ground n so many others.
Had reports this morning from all our missionaries n foreign special
pioneers from Guadeloupe/Martinque n they are fine--if not a look shook
up. Wilburns in Leogane had part of their missionary home destroyed--so
they arrived at Bethel last night. Yakibonges n Grooms are find--about
3 miles from Bethel--Sabrina Y was able to phone home to Italy this
afternoon n reassure her mother (not in the Truth) that they were fine.
Her mother already had time to phone Bethel n the army!
At present we have the 13th MTS school going n those from Carrefour n
heavy populated areas have had deaths either the in the family or cong.
Some have not been accounted for--Br Phillippeaux over in Bon Repos lost
his only son--at university--haven't found the body--so the parents are
in deep mourning! Relief supplies arrived from DR this morning n by 2
p.m. trucks were ready to make deliveries to Pouplard n Delmas Nord.
We suspect not a few of our young brothers and sisters attending
universities may have died when those buildings crashed to the grounds
with everyone in them. One nice experience--one sister was scheduled to
attend a lecture on pyschology n she decided she did not want to hear
that stuff. As soon as she got outside the entire structure collapsed
before her eyes!
Visible proof where 'higher learning' takes you--right into the
ground!! Now if any want to attend university--they will have to move
to another country--as all their bldgs crashed to the ground!! And
believe me--their parents will work to send them there--that is the god
they have confidence in--Jehovah is kind of a sideline one.
Very sad moments--Robin buried a 14 year old sister last night--she
considered him like her father as her parents are divorced--the sister's
only child. He had to run around n find a casket n she was buried last
night. We cannot even imagine the parents' anguish nor loss. We have
had many sessions of tears--we will be grieving until the New World!!
Her mother was a trooper through it all!!
Bottom line is Haiti is FINISHED--received its final death knell--this
literally killed the country. However, our brotherhood is as strong as
ever--had 3 deliveries already from the DR Branch--they sent us a doctor
n a emergency clinic has been set up in the class room behind the
assembly hall.
Jehovah really does take care of us!! Monday we had propane n diesel
deliveries--without the usual paper transaction, cheques n requisitions,
etc. (which they usually adamantly demand!--providing Bethel with a
month's supply.
Also, we had a 40' container come in with lit on Monday n it was quite a
challenge for the driver to maneuver that load in our little
driveway--we suddenly realize our little Bethel is growing into a major
Tuesday afternoon John had me taking pictures on the marks on the lawn
where the truck last week had to go up over the curbs n lawn to drive
out of the yard. Said to do the same thing on the following day as that
is when it was scheduled to be picked up. About an hour later the truck
showed up n he drove the trailer out of the yard around 3:30 pm. At 5
p.m two hours later--the earthquake hit n had that container been here
it most like would have caused major damage n turned over, etc. Most of
the family n students n volunteers spent the nite camped out on that
driveway. Happily for us it didn't rain!!
We have our Construction Overseer from Brkln here along with his
wife--Charles n Jennifer Snyder--plus great const workers--from
Canada--Rozons, Bellerives (Lisa n Sylvain) Thibodeeault's, etc. We
have all the PRACTICAL people on hand! Some 'accident' why they are here
at such a critical moment--why we know Jehovah n his angels are running
this work!! Another light moment.
One Canadian couple arrived from Canada--International Volunteers--a
tile layer as we are presently doing renovations in the old residence. After
Terrie West showed him the their room in the new Extension they were
enthralled. Brother said it was the best accommodations they have ever
had doing IV work. About two minutes later--the whole flipping bldg was
shaken to n fro--as the earthquake hit. Nonetheless, undeterred--said
they were happy to here n help out! Only Jehovah's people respond like
Afterwards--I was so keyed up--I worked till 2 a.m. n then crashed in
our bed--at that point was so exhausted didn't care about anything--said
if I'm gonna die--gonna do it comfortably it our own bed. Earlier John
tried to convince me to sleep upstairs then his office--but I refused.
He slept in the office. But Charles Snyder reassured me that the bldg
was safe n could certainly withstand any aftershocks--which by the way
we are still experiencing n are still nerve wracking!!
So that is about it folks! As soon as possible shall fire some photos
off to you!! Telephones are off n on--we have an Internet service--so
that is wonderful as don't think we would be able to communicate otherwise.
Warmest love n hugs to you all.
Comments by member of the Governing Body
After the Saturday session of the International DC in Myanmar , there was a meeting with a member of the Governing body where Bethelites and others were invited to attend. In view of the theme of the convention, his opening question was most appropriate:
He opened with this question: True or false - the purpose of our preaching is to save people from Armageddon?
Answer is false. While it is desirable that people respond and get saved, the main purpose, most important is found at Hebrews 13:15 “Through him let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name.” So, our main focus in preaching should be on praising God. This is more important than saving people, as Jehovah is more important than humans.
When many are unresponsive in the ministry, some publishers discouraged and lose their joy. They lose sight of the bigger picture, which is everything must revolve around Jehovah and his will. Our preaching “success” is not dependant on “results”.
He then went on to quote Isaiah 43:10 “YOU are my witnesses,” is the utterance of Jehovah, . . .
(Isaiah 43:21) 21 the people whom I have formed for myself, that they should recount the praise of me.
(Colossians 3:23) Whatever YOU are doing, work at it whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to men
Or we could say, not primarily for men!
Of course, there are other valid reasons to preach, that is to teach others the truth. And there is increase, worldwide there was a 3% increase. The US increase was even higher. About 5,000 are being baptized every weekend. In Mexico 7 or 8 new Kingdom halls are dedicated every weekend. In other parts of the world the growth is slower. There are 1,652 Languages in India , not dialects, but languages, the most of any country in the world. 80% of India has NEVER been preached to.. (We can add, and may never be preached to) There are about 1 billion Muslims in the world, most of which have never been preached to. We are still banned in Egypt and most of the Gulf States . We only have a few ex-pats in those countries. He estimated ½ of the world’s population has heard the Good News.
Some positive developments: The work has been legalized in Turkey and Indonesia . Indonesia is so big, the most populous Muslim country in the world, has 50 million more people than Russia . So now Gilead missionaries are being assigned to Indonesia .
He asked: Is Armageddon still far away because ½ the world hasn’t heard the Truth? No. MT 24:14 merely says there would be a witness to all nations, not each individual. Interestingly, it was pointed out at least twice the Watchtower has said that MT 24:14 has been fulfilled already. (Might be in the same line of thought as Colossians 1:23 ‘good news ...which was preached in all creation that is under heaven.’ Clearly, not every single human being of that time or in the known world had heard the truth)
As far as we know, there are no reports from North Korea , Somalia , and Afghanistan . But there are individuals from those countries who have been preached to in others.. We should not expect equal ratios of witness to people in all countries. The example was cited at John 21:5-6: Then Jesus said to them: “Young children, YOU do not have anything to eat, do YOU?” They answered “No!” to him. 6 He said to them: “Cast the net on the right side of the boat and YOU will find [some].” Then they cast it, but they were no longer able to draw it in because of the multitude of the fishes.”
We learn two lessons from this. 1) Jesus knows where the “fish” are. Imagine spending a whole night fishing, catching nothing, then having someone say, ‘yeah, there are fish on the right hand side of the boat.’ Jesus is directing the preaching work. He knows where the sheep-like ones are, and how to reach them..
Lesson #2) The ‘fish” are not equally distributed among the different countries. In some, we catch next to nothing. In others, there is abundance. Some factors affecting the “catch” include national traits, religious back round and governmental openness.
In one village in Romania , population about 2,500 people total, there are about 600 publishers! So, 1 in 4 people are publishers already, meaning each JW has only 2 houses to work! So, they have to travel to find territory. In Bangladesh , the ratio is well over 1 to 1 million.
Then, explaining (Matthew 10:23) When they persecute you in one city, flee to another; for truly I say to you, you will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives.) it was explained we will NOT preach to every single person. When persecuted in one city, or country even, don’t force the issue, go to where you can preach and obtain more results.
How do we know this verse applies to our time and not just the first century, even though it mentions “the cities of Israel ?” Because it says “until the Son of Man arrives”, meaning Jesus final “coming” at Armageddon.
Since we will not preach to all, does that mean then we could slow down and take it easy? NO! Every life is precious to Jehovah, and to his organization. Plus, we are to work “whole-souled” and (Romans 12:11) Do not loiter at YOUR business. Be aglow with the spirit. Slave for Jehovah.
(Hebrews 6:11) 1 But we desire each one of YOU to show the same industriousness ...down to the end
Then an encouraging thought on (Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in mid heaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.
Usually we apply this scripture to mean Jehovah uses the angels to direct the witnesses to the interested ones. But it also works that Jehovah can use the angels to “pull the interested ones out” of the areas they will never receive a witness in. The example was given of the Kurds who live in Northern Iraq and Turkey . There, it is almost impossible to reach them, or if we did, due to family and peer pressure, they may never accept it. But many have become refugees and accepted the Truth in England and Europe .
Jesus is the one mainly responsible for preaching, it has been entrusted to him.
(Revelation 14:14) And I saw, and, look! a white cloud, and upon the cloud someone seated like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.
The enthroned and crowned Jesus directs the reaping of the sheep-like ones.
Then, there is a second reaping:
(Revelation 14:16) And the one seated on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.
These are ‘reaped’ to destruction.
In the final analysis: (Matthew 28:18) And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.
The brother pointed out the verse does not read: all authority in heaven and Earth, Except in China , India and the Muslim world. No, if Jesus sees the need and wants the good news preached in a further way in those countries, he will see to it. The Bible prophesied Jesus would rule in the midst of his enemies. And yet the work goes forward. The work was recently legalized in 4 provinces of Sudan
After the Saturday session of the International DC in Myanmar , there was a meeting with a member of the Governing body where Bethelites and others were invited to attend. In view of the theme of the convention, his opening question was most appropriate:
He opened with this question: True or false - the purpose of our preaching is to save people from Armageddon?
Answer is false. While it is desirable that people respond and get saved, the main purpose, most important is found at Hebrews 13:15 “Through him let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name.” So, our main focus in preaching should be on praising God. This is more important than saving people, as Jehovah is more important than humans.
When many are unresponsive in the ministry, some publishers discouraged and lose their joy. They lose sight of the bigger picture, which is everything must revolve around Jehovah and his will. Our preaching “success” is not dependant on “results”.
He then went on to quote Isaiah 43:10 “YOU are my witnesses,” is the utterance of Jehovah, . . .
(Isaiah 43:21) 21 the people whom I have formed for myself, that they should recount the praise of me.
(Colossians 3:23) Whatever YOU are doing, work at it whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to men
Or we could say, not primarily for men!
Of course, there are other valid reasons to preach, that is to teach others the truth. And there is increase, worldwide there was a 3% increase. The US increase was even higher. About 5,000 are being baptized every weekend. In Mexico 7 or 8 new Kingdom halls are dedicated every weekend. In other parts of the world the growth is slower. There are 1,652 Languages in India , not dialects, but languages, the most of any country in the world. 80% of India has NEVER been preached to.. (We can add, and may never be preached to) There are about 1 billion Muslims in the world, most of which have never been preached to. We are still banned in Egypt and most of the Gulf States . We only have a few ex-pats in those countries. He estimated ½ of the world’s population has heard the Good News.
Some positive developments: The work has been legalized in Turkey and Indonesia . Indonesia is so big, the most populous Muslim country in the world, has 50 million more people than Russia . So now Gilead missionaries are being assigned to Indonesia .
He asked: Is Armageddon still far away because ½ the world hasn’t heard the Truth? No. MT 24:14 merely says there would be a witness to all nations, not each individual. Interestingly, it was pointed out at least twice the Watchtower has said that MT 24:14 has been fulfilled already. (Might be in the same line of thought as Colossians 1:23 ‘good news ...which was preached in all creation that is under heaven.’ Clearly, not every single human being of that time or in the known world had heard the truth)
As far as we know, there are no reports from North Korea , Somalia , and Afghanistan . But there are individuals from those countries who have been preached to in others.. We should not expect equal ratios of witness to people in all countries. The example was cited at John 21:5-6: Then Jesus said to them: “Young children, YOU do not have anything to eat, do YOU?” They answered “No!” to him. 6 He said to them: “Cast the net on the right side of the boat and YOU will find [some].” Then they cast it, but they were no longer able to draw it in because of the multitude of the fishes.”
We learn two lessons from this. 1) Jesus knows where the “fish” are. Imagine spending a whole night fishing, catching nothing, then having someone say, ‘yeah, there are fish on the right hand side of the boat.’ Jesus is directing the preaching work. He knows where the sheep-like ones are, and how to reach them..
Lesson #2) The ‘fish” are not equally distributed among the different countries. In some, we catch next to nothing. In others, there is abundance. Some factors affecting the “catch” include national traits, religious back round and governmental openness.
In one village in Romania , population about 2,500 people total, there are about 600 publishers! So, 1 in 4 people are publishers already, meaning each JW has only 2 houses to work! So, they have to travel to find territory. In Bangladesh , the ratio is well over 1 to 1 million.
Then, explaining (Matthew 10:23) When they persecute you in one city, flee to another; for truly I say to you, you will by no means complete the circuit of the cities of Israel until the Son of man arrives.) it was explained we will NOT preach to every single person. When persecuted in one city, or country even, don’t force the issue, go to where you can preach and obtain more results.
How do we know this verse applies to our time and not just the first century, even though it mentions “the cities of Israel ?” Because it says “until the Son of Man arrives”, meaning Jesus final “coming” at Armageddon.
Since we will not preach to all, does that mean then we could slow down and take it easy? NO! Every life is precious to Jehovah, and to his organization. Plus, we are to work “whole-souled” and (Romans 12:11) Do not loiter at YOUR business. Be aglow with the spirit. Slave for Jehovah.
(Hebrews 6:11) 1 But we desire each one of YOU to show the same industriousness ...down to the end
Then an encouraging thought on (Revelation 14:6) And I saw another angel flying in mid heaven, and he had everlasting good news to declare as glad tidings to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people.
Usually we apply this scripture to mean Jehovah uses the angels to direct the witnesses to the interested ones. But it also works that Jehovah can use the angels to “pull the interested ones out” of the areas they will never receive a witness in. The example was given of the Kurds who live in Northern Iraq and Turkey . There, it is almost impossible to reach them, or if we did, due to family and peer pressure, they may never accept it. But many have become refugees and accepted the Truth in England and Europe .
Jesus is the one mainly responsible for preaching, it has been entrusted to him.
(Revelation 14:14) And I saw, and, look! a white cloud, and upon the cloud someone seated like a son of man, with a golden crown on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand.
The enthroned and crowned Jesus directs the reaping of the sheep-like ones.
Then, there is a second reaping:
(Revelation 14:16) And the one seated on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.
These are ‘reaped’ to destruction.
In the final analysis: (Matthew 28:18) And Jesus approached and spoke to them, saying: “All authority has been given me in heaven and on the earth.
The brother pointed out the verse does not read: all authority in heaven and Earth, Except in China , India and the Muslim world. No, if Jesus sees the need and wants the good news preached in a further way in those countries, he will see to it. The Bible prophesied Jesus would rule in the midst of his enemies. And yet the work goes forward. The work was recently legalized in 4 provinces of Sudan
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