Hey! Well the talk was awesome! I felt like Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus. Bro Splane gave the talk. It started at 7pm and ended around 9pm, we could have sat all night listenting to him. IT was just what we all needed. There was no theme he was just having a conversation with all of us on the need to rely on Jehovah and trust that he is the great comforter. He said ... there is a time to cry, a time to heal and a time to trust in Jehovah as the one who can heal a broken heart.
The talk focused on how Jesus gave the promise to resurrect in John 5 vs 28 & 29 before he had ever resurrected anyone. Yet the first resurrection was the widow of Nains son. Jesus felt for this woman because he knew she had walked this path before when here husband died, now she was doing it again with her only son, he no doubt thought of the grief his mother would soon have. He was tired, walked all day, hungry and had never resurrected anyone before yet he felt pity. He had seen suffering for 4000 years yet he never grew hard hearted or insensitive so neither should we. He told the woman to stop weeping because he wanted her to focus on what he was about to do, wake up her son. For years to come she could replay over and over and over the moment when Jesus said .... young man get up. He didnt want the widow to be crying at that moment, so too for us we have to be clear of mind for what is about to happen when our loved ones hear Jesus voice and wake up. Later he resurrected Jairus daughter this too was a wonderful miracle. On the way to Jairus house the woman with flow of blood stopped him by touching him, and he asked who touched me. Jairus could have thought ... who cares my daughter is dying, hurry. Jesus stopped and healed the woman, he took time to show he cared. this miracle unknowingly strengthened Jairus, for when it came time to resurrect his daughter he knew Jesus had the power, for he had just seen him heal a woman. So the second resurrection is proof once again of what Jesus will do very soon. Yet Jesus did cry and he wants us to know it is okay to cry.
He then said ... the GB wants me to go to Haiti to cry with the brothers and let them know how much we love them. They will have their first CA this weekend and so we are looking forward to touching the hearts of about one third of the witnesses there this weekend. The circuit assigned is the circuit that was affected the most.
Donna, I just felt Jehovahs love last night in such a unique special way that it was so wonderful.
Last night they interviewed friends from the earthquake on the platform before the talk. Next email I will share their experiences, whew they were really moving. But brother Splane cried during his talk with us. It was an emotional night and upbuilding at the same time. We all left there feeling like we could do more. It helped to know that what I was feeling was normal, I felt like I was lacking in my faith and was not strong enough to deal with what we were dealing with at the hospital.
He said .... your faith here and in Haiti has touched the worldwide brotherhood, your faith has inspired all of us. Do not think you are not loved, nor should you think that what you have done has gone unnoticed, we have noticed and we want to in some way show how grateful we are for you love for your Haitian brothers. What has happened is only a milimeter in time on the scale of eternity, soon these pains will not be remembered.
WE GOT TO SING FOR THE FIRST TIME the new songs, not in creole but we sang the new songs. Oh, Donna, that felt so nice!
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